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1141 Oakwood Ave 

Columbus Ohio 43206

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Our Organization works to educate the public about concerns relating to both old & new law offenders. We cannot accept individual cases, as we are not attorneys and do not have the resources to represent offenders. We do, however, network with the ODRC and other State officials to enlighten how Ohio's Prison System is operat-ing under the color of five separate sets of laws: BB 511 (Old, Old Law) HB 261 (Old Law) SB 2 (New Law) SB 86 (New, New Law) Am. Sub. HB 64 (New, New, New Law!)

Our Mission 

 Is... Fair Treatment Reform & Reentry's mission is to raise public awareness about the criminal justice system through education and dissemination of information. We ad-vocate for a fair, just, and transparent parole process and encourage State lawmakers to support these goals. We believe in the power of inmates to change and think they should have a fair chance at justice. Fair Treatment Reform & Reentry also focuses on assisting those released from prison with effective re-entry strategies by providing information and resources. Fair Treatment Reform is a non-profit Organization consisting of various community volunteers.

Vice President 


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